Has Patty Prewitt been granted clemency?
On December 20, 2024, Patty, her children and grandchildren received a Christmas miracle. Governor Mike Parson commuted Patty’s sentence. Patty is home with her family after over 38.5 years of painful separation. Thank you for the calls you made and letters you wrote to the Governor’s office. As joyous as this occasion is, after nearly four decades behind bars, Patty will have a lot of adjusting to do. Finding her way and rebuilding her life in the much-changed world of 2025, will be emotionally — and financially — challenging. If you are interested, her family organized a gofundme page to help defray the expenses of her transition. This page is available here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/rebuild-pattys-life-after-four-decades-in-prison. We may post future updates on Patty’s facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/pattyprewitt Once again, thank you for your support.
Media Coverage of Patty Prewitt
Click on the links below to read, listen, and watch some of the extensive media coverage that Patty and her story have received.
Prison Education Project Celebrates First Graduates
The Source: WashU Prison Education Project expands to women’s correctional center by Liam Otten
People Magazine: Mo. Woman Seeks Clemency After 1985 Conviction for Killing Husband — Did Sexism Put Her Behind Bars? by Jeff Trusedell
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Did sexual assaults lead to a Missouri woman’s murder conviction? by Aisha Sultan
Wrongful Conviction with Maggie Freleng Podcast
Columbia Missourian: Gov. Parson should show mercy right now for Patty Prewitt by Jane Aiken, Dean, Wake Forest Law School
Kansas City Star: Governor Parson: Grant Clemency to Patty Prewitt by Tena O’Hara
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Gov. Mike Parson’s pending acts of mercy create hope for long-suffering families by Aisha Sultan
KCTV: Governor Parson will consider clemency for select prisoners
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Parson prepared to make announcement on select prisoner clemency cases by Jack Suntrup
Missouri Times: Governor Parson, grant clemency to Patty Prewitt by State Representatives Shamed Dogan and Tracy McCreery
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Patty Prewitt Wrongly Convicted and Deserves Release by Bob Wilcox
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: From Chillicothe to Pacific, COVID-19 spreads like wildfire through Missouri prisons by Tony Messenger
Guernica Magazine: A Woman’s Place: The shaming and incarceration of Patricia Ann Prewitt by Malcolm Garcia
Missouri Times: Lawmakers appeal to Parson for clemency for 70-year-old woman
Kansas City Star: Bring Patty Prewitt Home by Jane Watkins
KCTV5: Missouri lawmakers pressure Parson to free Patty Prewitt
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Pandemic in Prison Means a Potential Death Sentence for All by Judy Henderson
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: As coronavirus spreads to America’s jails and prisons, the death penalty awaits by Tony Messenger
KMOX: Documentary about longest-serving female inmate in Missouri urges clemency amid COVID-19 spread
St. Louis Public Radio: ’33 And Counting’ Spotlights Missouri Grandmother’s Fight For Clemency
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Pandemic adds urgency to Missouri grandmother’s pleas for clemency
KCTV5: Clemency Backlog: Patty Prewitt’s Family Says She’s Served Long Enough
St. Louis Public Radio: Missouri Clemency Backlog Request Continues Under Parson
St. Louis Post Dispatch: Parson need to address clemency case backlog, by Rev. June Pearse
St. Louis Post Dispatch: If released, Patty Prewitt could help others succeed, by Laura Phillips
St. Louis Post Dispatch: This is the season for Gov. Parson to grant clemency, by Reps. Shamed Dogan and Tracy McCreery.
KCTV5: Court Battle to Test Evidence for DNA in 35 year-old Missouri Murder Case
St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editorial: Patty Prewitt, a 69 year-old grandmother, deserves clemency. Her jailer agrees.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Clemency for Patty Prewitt by former Director of the Missouri Department of Corrections George Lombardi
Kansas City Star: Governor Parson, please bring my mother Patty Prewitt home by Jane Prewitt Watkins
Kansas City Star: Bring Patty Home by Maureen Gorsuch
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Greitens Should Grant Clemency for Patty Prewitt by Rep. Tracy McCreery
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Patty Prewitt Has Shown an Undying Positive Spirit by Lucy Freedman
Riverfront Times: Supporters of Patty Prewitt Beg Governor for Mercy
St. Louis Post Dispatch: Clemency for Patty Prewitt by Sister Maryann McGivern
Kansas City Star: Missouri Governor Jay Nixon Can’t Ignore Clemency Petition on Behalf of 14 Women
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: New Coalition Urges Clemency for 14 Missouri Women in Prison
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Clemency for Patty Prewitt by Robert Beaird
St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editorial: Why hasn’t Gov. Jay Nixon used his power to pardon?
Associated Press: Clemency Sought for Mo. Woman Convicted in Husband’s Murder
St. Louis Beacon: Clemency for Patty Prewitt by former Rep. Bill Deeken
Columbia Daily Tribune: Prisoner Deserving of Mercy
Springfield News-Leader: Governor Should Show Mercy to Prisoner
Columbia Missourian: Prison Performing Arts Feature
KBIA Radio: Talking Politics Program Featuring Patty
The Point News (St. Mary’s College of Maryland): Students, Faculty Work Towards Freeing Patty Prewitt
Jefferson City News Tribune: Woman’s backers make new push for clemency
Res Ipsa Loquitur (Georgetown Law Alumni Magazine):A Clinic Grows at Georgetown.
KDHX Radio’s Collateral Damage: Gender Bias in the Criminal Justice System
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Gov. Nixon should pardon Patty Prewitt.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch:An Appeal for Clemency, by Rep. John Burnett and Rep. Bill Deeken.
Crime Scene KC:New push to free Mo. woman convicted ofkilling husband in his sleep
Columbia Daily Tribune: Nixon pushed to commute life sentence.
American Forum Op-Ed Free Patty Prewitt: An Act of Mercy is anAct of Fiscal Responsibility, by Professor Jane Aiken.
Macon Chronicle Herald: Lawmakers Request Action on Sentence Commutation for Patricia Prewitt
USA Today: Mo. prison program fosters family ties behind bars
Additional Coverage
PEN America Center: Interview with Patricia Prewitt
KBIA: Audio Slideshow